As women we spend most of our adult lives in devotion…
Be it devoted to a spouse or partner, children and in later life parents. We find time for work, keeping a home, creativity, spirituality, friends and all facets of daily living…
Ironically when I ended up in my doctor’s office earlier this week with a reoccurring mild health issue she inquired about all these tests that at my age she would like me to pursue…
I quickly responded I had little time for such being busy with my Mom, work, etc. she said simply it is time in your life to strongly consider “me time”. For without taking care of oneself all the other obligations and functions will not happen if one is not healthy first.
So as we move forward and begin a new year we women should take that advice regardless of our age and be sure to take some “me time” first…
Do you ever feel like life is a hamster wheel from which you can’t get off…
A Mom whose dementia is so advanced my Father must tell her which of her children are standing before her. In need of constant care she can no longer distinguish between day and night or what she said two minutes earlier.
My doggie who is 15+ years now that is being pricked and prodded by the vet trying to find the cause for relentless scratching and chewing. With an owner that loves her hoping for a solution but knowing that the tests and the bill that follows is more for the vet’s bottom line than the dog…
The emotional struggles are inevitable and as selfish as it sounds Dear God if you can hear me please take them swiftly and without pain… Then perhaps the hamster wheel will slow down...